Natural foundation
Get ready to glow with Green People’s daily defence natural foundations.
Featherlight mineral make-up for naturally beautiful skin radiance.
Pioniere bio-zertifizierter Naturkosmetik seit 1997
Get ready to glow with Green People’s daily defence natural foundations.
Featherlight mineral make-up for naturally beautiful skin radiance.
Discover tips on getting the most from your natural foundation and make-up routine.
Applying a tinted moisturiser is a great way to give your skin a natural, even glow but how can you ensure a streak-free finish? Here we reveal the best way to apply tinted moisturisers.
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We’ve created a very special product here at Green People. Over the years we’ve had many requests for an organic tinted moisturiser, something that offers lightweight coverage and a smooth, even complexion without chemical nasties.
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It takes only moments at the end of your day to purify your complexion and leave it ready to absorb nourishment and hydration from your night skin care products. Read on to discover the best way to wash away make-up with our natural and organic make-up removers.
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