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Very dry hands in winter? Natural hand creams & tips for cold weather
Skin care

Very dry hands in winter? Natural hand creams & tips for cold weather

Experiencing very dry, chapped hands during cold weather in the winter months in the UK? Learn how to keep your hands soft, comfy and healthy this winter with tips and natural hand creams for cold weather.

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protein shampoo and conditioner

Protein shampoo & conditioner – is protein good for hair?

Is protein good for hair or can it cause problems? To clear matters up, we asked our Cosmetic Scientist Ian Taylor whether he thinks protein shampoo and conditioner is a hair booster or a hindrance to healthy locks.

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Introduction to Baicalin for skin
Anti ageing

Baicalin: nature's best anti-ageing active for skin

Is Baicalin the best skin care ingredient for defying the skin ageing process? Here we explore this wonder anti-wrinkle ingredient.

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