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Ihr wesentlicher Leitfaden zum Leben eines organischen Lebensstils.

aloe vera
Clean beauty

7 of the best natural ingredients for sensitive skin

Green People has been caring for sensitive skin since 1997 and was founded with a strong sense purpose – to make skin care comfortable and enjoyable for all skin types. In this post, we introduce you to some of our favourite natural ingredients for calming sensitive skin.

Von Hannah Mepham


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Dry legs exposed: how to stop dry, itchy skin on legs
Skin care

Dry legs exposed: how to stop dry, itchy skin on legs

Do you experience flaky, dry, itchy skin on your legs? Keeping the skin barrier hydrated can help to prevent dry legs and here we reveal the best creams and body oils to use when moisturising your legs.

Von Hannah Mepham


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Looking for a biodegradable sun cream?
Eco & ethical

Looking for a biodegradable sun cream?

Are you worried about the effect sun lotions are having on our oceans? Read on to discover why Green People's non-toxic sun lotions have been given the Ethical Consumer Best Buy award.

Von Hannah Mepham


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sls free shower products
Clean beauty

Essential guide to SLS-free products

Green People’s organic beauty products have always been SLS-free. We only use gentle, non-irritating foaming agents that are suitable for very sensitive skin and those prone to eczema and skin allergies.

Von Alexandra Julian


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Choosing a shampoo & conditioner when you have scalp psoriasis
Sensitive skin

Choosing a shampoo & conditioner when you have scalp psoriasis

Unsure which shampoo to use for scalp psoriasis? Here we explain the best way to clean and care for your hair using natural products when you have scalp psoriasis.

Von Hannah Mepham


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mi-free products
Clean beauty

Looking for MI-free products?

MI stands for methylisothiazolinone and at one time this ingredient was a commonly used preservative in a broad range of beauty products. MI is not permitted as an ingredient by any organic certification body worldwide. As such, all of our products have always been free from MI.

Von Alexandra Julian


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curly girl method
Clean beauty

Curly girl? Try our low-poo shampoo

Struggling to control your curls? Thinking of trying the Curly Girl Method? Here we reveal what to expect and how switching to our low-poo shampoo and silicone-free conditioner can keep your curls strong and healthy.

Von Hannah Mepham


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