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Ihr wesentlicher Leitfaden zum Leben eines organischen Lebensstils.

Skin care during pregnancy
Skin care

How to adapt your skin care regime during pregnancy

Has being pregnant changed your skin? It’s perfectly normal to notice a change to your skin during pregnancy and we know it can be hard to build your ideal skin care regime when your skin is at the mercy of your hormones. To help make things easier we’re sharing our top tips for adapting your skin care regime during pregnancy.

Von Hannah Mepham


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Green People Organic
Eco & ethical

What makes Green People so green?

It’s not easy being green but at Green People we’re passionate about two things, providing our customers with a diverse choice of certified organic products and minimising the impact doing so has on the environment. Here we reveal what goes into being green.

Von Hannah Mepham


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How often should I exfoliate?
Skin care

How often should I exfoliate my face?

Exfoliating regularly will help to encourage soft, smooth skin but do you know how often should you use face scrub or AHA exfoliant? Read on to find out how often you should exfoliate your face.

Von Hannah Mepham


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How to apply sun lotion
Sun & travel

How to apply sun cream

This guide provides advice and information on how much sun cream to apply to provide the best protection for your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Von Alexandra Julian


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eczema in babies and children
Baby & pregnancy

Essential guide to allergies & eczema in babies and children

This guide offers information on eczema and allergies in babies and children. We look at what eczema is and what can be the cause. We also look at how you should treat allergies and focus on the best ways to control eczema, including ingredients to avoid which are common irritants for eczema-prone babies and children.

Von Alexandra Julian


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How does a serum fit into my skin care regime?
Skin care

How does a serum fit into my skin care regime?

If you already use a moisturiser or a facial oil, you may wonder how a serum can fit into your beauty regime. With so many products delivering different results it can be hard to know what is right for your skin.

Von Hannah Mepham


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eczema skin care
Sensitive skin

Essential guide to eczema skin care

We look at what eczema is, what the most common causes of eczema are and the ways in which changes to your diet and lifestyle can help to control eczema in both adults and children.

Von Alexandra Julian


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dry skin
Skin care

Essential guide to dry skin care

This guide offers information and advice on dry skin care. We look at the reasons for dry skin and at natural products for dry skin. We also look at the best dietary supplements to help reduce skin's dryness and what foods sufferers of dry skin should avoid.

Von Alexandra Julian


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Caring for skin & hair after chemotherapy
Shampoo & styling

Caring for skin & hair after chemotherapy

Here, we discuss the benefits of avoiding harsh chemicals after chemotherapy and reveal the Green People products that can help to care for your hair and skin.

Von Hannah Mepham


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uva protection sun cream
Sun & travel

The truth about UVA protection

We all know the importance of using sun protection, but a recent survey by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society shows that there is huge confusion around labelling on sun creams, with a significant percentage of the public unaware how much protection their sun creams offer.

Von Hannah Mepham


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buriti oil
Clean beauty

The benefits of Buriti Oil for skin & hair

What is Buriti oil and how can it improve the health of your skin and hair? Here we explore the benefits of this exotic oil.

Von Hannah Mepham


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baby massage olive oil
Baby & pregnancy

Does Olive oil cause eczema in babies?

While olive oil may be a fantastic ingredient in adult skin and body care products, research shows that it may be contributing to a rise in cases of eczema in babies under 3 months.

Von Alexandra Julian


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makeup wipes

Why we should wave goodbye to face wipes

Let’s face it, we all dread that time of the evening when we have to take of the day’s make-up and grime in preparation for our much-needed beauty sleep. For many, cleansing face wipes are a bathroom essential: they’re convenient, cheap and most importantly quick. The sales of face wipes have doubled in recent years and our skin is not happy about it.

Von Hannah Mepham


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